”We had another plant-guy, but we chose Natural Greenwalls” NyhederUncategorized 24. July 2018 ”We had another plant-guy, but we chose Natural Greenwalls” "We wish to show character and personality in our store, and we prioritize the good… Daniel Holmberg Jepsen Love0
New Green Wall showroom in Holland Nyheder 8. June 2018 New Green Wall showroom in Holland We are aiming towards taking control of Europe! At least when it comes to green… Daniel Holmberg Jepsen Love0
How does the art of the future look? Nyheder 1. May 2018 How does the art of the future look? Nature and art at the workplace enhances the work morale and quality. We have combined… Daniel Holmberg Jepsen Love0
Green inspiration to the designers of the future Nyheder 17. April 2018 Green inspiration to the designers of the future The creative designers of tomorrow are educated at KEA, Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.… Daniel Holmberg Jepsen Love1
Have a green break while shopping Nyheder 10. April 2018 Have a green break while shopping Shopping is often something that you are trying to get over with - but not… Daniel Holmberg Jepsen Love0
The whole world brought to Vejle Nyheder 26. March 2018 The whole world brought to Vejle Vejle is one of 100 cities in the world, that are committed to develop and… Daniel Holmberg Jepsen Love0
Nature moves in at Belgiums biggest building fair Nyheder 12. March 2018 Nature moves in at Belgiums biggest building fair The biggest building fair in Belgium just finished. New trends and ideas were presented, and… Daniel Holmberg Jepsen Love0